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Archived TD0072:  FIA_X509_EXT.1.1 Certificate Depth in App PP v1.1

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The Assurance Activities do not properly align with the context of the Target of Evaluation.

Page 64 under FIA_X509_EXT.1.1 Assurance Activity currently reads:

The evaluator shall ensure the TSS describes where the check of validity of the certificates takes place. The evaluator ensures the TSS also provides a description of the certificate path validation algorithm.


The tests described must be performed in conjunction with the other certificate services assurance activities, including the functions in FIA_X509_EXT.2.1. The tests for the extendedKeyUsage rules are performed in conjunction with the uses that require those rules. The evaluator shall create a chain of at least four certificates: the node certificate to be tested, two Intermediate CAs, and the selfsigned Root CA.


Test 3: The evaluator shall test that the TOE can properly handle revoked certificates – conditional on whether CRL or OCSP is selected; if both are selected, then a test shall be performed for each method. The evaluator shall test revocation of the node certificate and revocation of the intermediate CA certificate (i.e. the intermediate CA certificate should be revoked by the root CA). The evaluator shall ensure that a valid certificate is used, and that the validation function succeeds. The evaluator then attempts the test with a certificate that has been revoked (for each method chosen in the selection) to ensure when the certificate is no longer valid that the validation function fails.


The Assurance Activity is being changed to read:

The evaluator shall create a chain of at least four certificates: the node certificate to be tested, two Intermediate CAs, and the self-signed Root CA. If the application supports a maximum trust depth of 2 or 3 than chains with 0 or 1 Intermediate CAs respectively should be created.


Test 3: The evaluator shall test that the TOE can properly handle revoked certificates-–conditional on whether CRL, OCSP, or OCSP Stapling is selected; if multiple methods are selected, then the following tests shall be performed for each method. The evaluator shall test revocation of the node certificate. The evaluator shall also test revocation of an intermediate CA certificate (i.e. the intermediate CA certificate should be revoked by the root CA), if intermediate CA certificates are supported.


Revision of AA in order to align with the TOE

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